How to be there and present when someone is grieving: what to say and not to say. I have been thinking about this topic for quite sometime, as I am often asked by friends, family members or even strangers “what do I say or need to do when I’m faced with another person’s grief?” And surprisingly enough, today I found this post on my personal Facebook page and the article resonated with me, perfect for my post!! I know that people often think that their “positive” well-meaning comments (Just get over it, You need to be positive and move on, Time will heal everything, etc.) are healing words someone who is grieving. Unfortunately, all though well meaning, do nothing to support the griever. If you ever find yourself in this position of knowing what to say – this article is for you. Remember grief comes in many different forms – not only in loss of a person, but loss of a pet, job, downsizing, injury, children leaving home, divorce and so much more.
Love this post, “When positivity can be toxic”.
Make sure you watch the little video with Brene Brown narrating – the humour is healing too!